Combat Rules (updated 1/1/2021)

Calculate all bonuses in advance--please do not hold up the combat to search and calculate, use your previously calculated bonuses instead.

Combat will flow as follows

  1. establish positions
  2. start timer
  3. roll initiative
  4. call out actions
    • if you can call out before the 3 minute mark
      • your attacks will resolved first in rotation for resolution (upto +6 initiative)
      • if you take the same action the whole melee you may make one extra attack ie "I'll empty my rifle into the black faerie"
    • if you take more than 5 minutes you'll lose an action
    • exception: if you need extra time to determine whether an action is in character you will not lose an action for that
  5. resolve actions in initiative order
    • if an action needs to have extra info that's fine
    • if an action needs to be replaced you will lose an action to replan.
    • you may attempt to dodge an otherwise undodgeable attack by rolling and getting a natural 20 (also at the cost of an action)
  6. return to 1

Strike rolls for ranged weapon (minimum to hit) (Rifts Chaos Earth Pg 148)

Minimum Roll
to hit in HtH (Chaos Earth pg 139)
flat footed within 60 feet
flat footed > 60 feet
moving more than 40mph
target evading (pilot skill roll for evasive action)
Called shot, to hit main body (Chaos Earth pg 147)
Called Shot, to hit designated target (Chaos Earth pg 147)
Partial cover can be circumvented with a called shot.

Modern Weapon Proficiency
These bonuses apply when dismounted or using humanoid robots or power armor with non-built-in weapons. Standard vehicles use only weapon systems skill(+1). See also specific bonuses for your vehicle

No Skill
Slow reloads, cannot use special features of weapons.
Normal reloads
Major Affinity
Skill or
Affinity+Related Skill
Additional bonus for single shot rifles only
Additional bonus
single shot/wild
+WP Bonus from Chaos Earth pg 147

Sharpshooter aimed shot
aimed shot
Not Possible
Not Possible
+WP Bonus from Chaos Earth pg 147
Sharpshooter aimed shot or sharpshooter called shot (requires 2 actions)
called shot -- specific target
(no evading except with pistols)
Not Possible
Not Possible
Not Possible
+WP Bonus from Chaos Earth pg 147

Sharpshooter called shot (requires 2 actions)
aimed called shot -- specific target
(no evading except with pistols)
Not Possible
Not Possible
Not Possible
+WP Bonus from Chaos Earth pg 147
Sharpshooter called shot (requires 2 actions)
+1 Chaos Earth pg 147

called burst -- specific target
(no evading except with pistols)
Not Possible
Not Possible
Not Possible
+1 Chaos Earth pg 147

dual wield
-6 (w/ WP Paired)
-2 on hand (w/ WP Paired)
-6 offhand (w/ WP Paired)

This is an optional ruleset from the Rifts Game Master Guide page 40.

With Weapon Systems
+1 for any vehicle mounted weapon in addition to combat skills

Dodging or Parrying Ranged Attacks from Modern Weapons
Bonuses from physical skills including HtH do not count. If you are more than 60ft away and aware of the attack we'll use straight parry and dodge rolls without concern for the absurd difficulty. Within 60ft we'll use a -4 on the parry/dodge roll if it is even possible.

W.P. Paired Weapons
WP paired weapons is the skill of using a weapon you are otherwise trained in as part of a pair. Generally this is how you parry. It can also be used to make it harder for an opponent to parry by presenting two simultaneous attacks. It cannot be used to simultaneously strike 2 different opponents in melee combat--despite what the rules say,