Misc House Rules (Revised 3-6-2021)

Attribute Checks

In the event that an attribute check is needed we will roll 2d6+a bonus based on the relevant attribute as seen on the chart below. Attribute checks are done only when the skill is done in such a way that no skill could be relevant--see missing and unknown skills for details on missing skills.
A total >= 7 will indicate a success with complications >= 10 will indicate an unmitigated success. This mechanic is adopted from Dungeon World.

You can see the relevant probabilities in Anydice. 0 indicates a failure, 1 indicates partial success, and 2 indicates a total success.


The 0 side on a d10 is a zero, weapons with a d10 damage have a chance of doing no damage at all.
Hand to hand strikes doing d10 damage may optionally be done as d8

Skill Rolls

Rolling your skill exactly is a success rolling 00-0 (100%) is a failure

If there is a situation where a skill is relevant then one of a few things may happen:
  1. You may notice it yourself, in this case you should roll, and call out the skill, 1st roll, your percent for the skill, and any affinity.
  2. You may want to do something and discuss with the party before rolling. If amongst the party there are multiple characters or skills considered you might get some sense of relative difficulty (by asking the GM)
  3. The GM may ask if anyone has a particular skill and then ask for rolls on it, or even just provide extra details without needing a roll.

Depending on how successful your roll is the GM will tell you whether you succeeded or failed, it may or may not be accurate unless the skill is totally irrelevant you'll receive 25xp.

Rules precedence

  1. GM ruling (based on common sense)
  2. House Rules
  3. Chaos Earth™ books in reverse order of publication
  4. Rifts® GM Guide
  5. Rifts® Book of Magic
  6. Rifts® Ultimate Edition
  7. Other Rifts® books in reverse order of publication

Unavailable Rules

In the interest of smooth play I will quickly resort to a ruling for the current session rather than dig up a proper rule. Please do not get too caught up in the details of any rule or ruling.

Rules or ruling complaints

Please address any concerns about a rule or ruling outside of or between sessions if at all possible.

E-Clip Recharging

Eclips can be recharged rather easily, but but after the first recharge they need constant attention from a trained operator. This is not complex but is a matter of assigning someone to watch the charge for 15 minutes while it charges. You may expect that any e-clip can be charged only once without attention.

"Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, Phase World®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Heroes Unlimited, Beyond the Supernatural, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda.